Fear Free We are part of a burgeoning movement within the veterinary industry. A movement that, for the first time, prioritizes the emotional experience that dogs and cats have during their visit to the vet. One that recognizes how important their experience is to the level of care that they receive. Because when dogs and cats experience a stress response, it affects the bodily systems that veterinary teams use to assess their overall health. This can mask real health issues or can make it difficult to ascertain whether there is a health issue present, or if it is just stress.

Not here. Our team is specially trained to reduce fear and stress in every interaction with your pet. From the way we greet them, to the way we handle them, to what they see, hear and smell, and all the little things that go into creating a Fear Free experience... this is the care that your furry family member deserves. Because we would never dream of providing anything less.
Experts in Life-Threatening Emergencies